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Within your advocacy, what term(s) resonate with you most?

How do you typically refer to your community leadership, and/or what terms resonate with you most?

Health Advoacay?
Patient Advocate?
Patient/Caregiver Health Leadership?
Patient/Caregiver Activist?

  1. My work is in online support of the community, and I refer to myself as a Team Member.

    1. Because of my relationship with legislators and professionals in healthcare, I will say "I am an NCD health here to discuss (name the chronic condition and/or issue). I have been living with type 2 diabetes since 1996...". This allows me to position what I am there for, and let it be known, life has been a challenge for about half of my life. It has worked.

      1. I typically refer to my community leadership as sharing my health journey. I don't mind the term health advocate or health advocacy but I see what I do as more than just advocating.

        1. I say patient advocate/patient advocacy 🦋

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